Monday, September 8, 2014

Mental Monday Challenge - Week 1 + Free Printable

Over the past few years, I've received a lot of messages from friends telling me how I have inspired them to live a healthier lifestyle. There is nothing that makes me happier then each and every one of those people taking time out of their busy schedules to write to me. It motivates me to continue battling my own struggles every day, and makes me excited for them and what a healthier lifestyle can change in their own lives.

So for the next two months, I'm dedicating Mondays to a challenge for us all known as "Mental Monday". It's one thing to say you want to change, but another entirely to actually follow through. Keeping one's mentality sharp is key to achieving our ultimate lifestyle goals.  


Above is a free printable that I hope you will print out or save to your desktop to follow along with each week. I made an anagram out of the word motivate, with each letter standing for something significant that I have found to be a success in maintaining my healthy lifestyle the past few years. Each week I'll highlight one of the letters on the printable and challenge us all to put that week's philosophy to practice in our lives. So without further ado, let's get started with the letter M.  

The first step to being able to self-motivate ourselves or stay determined and on track in our healthy lifestyles is to learn to use our mind to our advantage instead of letting excuses get in our ways. It's time to reprogram our brains. 

Example 1:  I tell myself I'm going for a three mile run. Around mile two, my body is tired and my lungs are screaming, perhaps my feet are even aching. I want to walk, but I told myself before I laced up my shoes I would run the three miles without stopping. 

Option A (Without applying the mind over matter technique): I stop. Except I regret that I didn't prove myself to be stronger then yesterday, and I feel bad that I didn't live up to my full potential for the rest of the day. 

Option B (Applying the mind over matter technique): I quietly remind myself that I have one more mile to go, reassure myself that I can do this and finish strong. I picture myself at my goal whether that be fitness related or weight related, and it propels me to the finish line. I learn that the majority of exercising is conditioning the mind to order the body what to do. I keep my pace and focus on the finish line, happy to accomplish my goal for the day.

What Option sounds better to you? I don't know about you, but I'm choosing Option B.  


However, this concept does not have to just pertain to our fitness goals though. Another example that I'll condense for you is food related. Say someone brought in donuts and dessert bars to work or a get together with friends, but you know that you have already met your calorie allowance for the day. You can either eat several bars and feel like you let yourself down, or you can sharpen your own willpower by reaching in your bag for a piece of fruit or veggies, string cheese, or even a granola bar, that you packed that morning. Your stomach will be thankful and you won't have strayed far from your commitment to eating healthier. 

This week our challenge is to approach all of our decisions from a mind over matter aspect. We need to take a moment and analyze the outcomes of our actions and choose wisely to gain the result that will be the most worth while for us in the long run. Once you learn to stop acting on impulses and learn to find strength from within, you are well on your way to learning to stay self-motivated and reach your goals. Pick one aspect of your life to apply this concept to and feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you plan to dedicate your week to using this philosophy on. Then check back next week to move on to the next step in self-motivating yourself and staying on track to a healthier you!
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