Monday, October 6, 2014

Mental Monday Challenge: Week 4 - Ignore Excuses

If you've been keeping track with the weekly challenge: Mental Monday series, you might have noticed that I didn't post one last Monday. Totally fitting with the week's goal to ignore excuses. I could list all the excuses I have for not posting last Monday, but I'll spare you all the details and instead state that this week I vow to be better and not let excuses get the best of me, and I hope you will too.

How's the challenge been going so far? I haven't heard any feedback yet - but I'm hoping that all you readers are at least giving all the week challenges a try! Following along with the free printable found HERE, I stands for Ignore Excuses.

When I started my journey, I woke up every morning around 8am during the summer to exercise. I decided on 8am because I knew that if I had a set time in my schedule to work out, then I would be more likely to follow through with my workout plan for the day. However, after the initial few weeks of my training program of workout DVDs and running, I noticed that some days I would wake up and linger a little while longer in bed on my phone or reading on my kindle, etc. Soon, I lost that dedication to my fitness, and I could tell in my weekly measurements and even in my energy levels. 

I discovered that it is vital to learn how to ignore whatever list of excuses I can think because its the only way I will ever fully succeed at what I want to accomplish. I don't always eliminate all excuses as is seen in my failing of posting this post last week. However, by ignoring as many excuses as I can and following through on my plans, I notice how much more I can accomplish and how much quicker I can reach my goal. My excuses sometimes return from time to time, they are never forever removed from my thought process, but by anticipating their arrival and ignoring them or squashing them immediately, keeps them from cluttering my path to success.

This week's challenge is to pick one aspect of your life (whether its fitness, blogging, hobby related or even eating healthy to cleaning the house) and focusing on eliminating any and all excuses that you could possibly create to hinder your progress to your end goal and result. What excuses have prevented you from achieving success in your daily life? Feel free to leave a comment and let me know along with any action plans you plan for the upcoming week. Otherwise, keep them privately tucked away or reevaluate them and spend the next week eliminating them until they completely disappear.

Time to check on the turkey chili I'm making for dinner. It smells absolutely delicious!

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  1. Hi Kourtni, I have to tell you that before reading this post I had decided that I was "too tired" to go running. But you're absolutely right: there has to be a point where we ignore whatever silly excuses are stopping us (and there's always something!) and do the difficult thing anyway. So I'm going out for my run after all. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Holly,
      I am so glad that this post could inspire you to let go of the "too tired" excuse! I have had that excuse myself so many times. However, sometimes running or any other workout is even for the best in that situation because the endorphins wake you right back up! Am I right? Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on the post! Keep battling those excuses! You're stronger mentally and physically already just after one time of conquering your excuses!
