Monday, October 27, 2014

Mental Monday Challenge: Week 7 - Treat Yourself


Hi all! It's Monday again. I'm having a serious case of the Mondays and even took a long nap after work today. There are only two weeks left in my Mental Monday Challenge. That's still two weeks to kick start a healthy lifestyle. So, if you've been reading these Monday segments, and like the idea of accepting the challenge, but still haven't....I dare you to try your hardest these last two weeks to work on one if not all of the seven steps discussed so far. 

Did you have a good week? Did you succeed in the weekly challenge of attacking your goals? I know I sure could have worked harder to achieve my short and long term goals, but we all have setbacks and that is okay. I accept that it is not the end of the world, but instead of spiraling back into old habits, I'm going to just try harder this week to accomplish those goals. I am looking forward to great things ahead this week both in my personal life and in my healthy lifestyle.

If you haven't read through the other posts for this 8 week mental challenge yet, I encourage you to start by visiting HERE! You can get the free printable there, print it out and hang it somewhere that will encourage you to stay determined. However, for those who have been following along...without further ado, here is week seven: Treat Yourself. A perfect challenge that includes the upcoming holiday of Halloween.

I hope hearing the title alone makes you excited. The word "treat" should definitely capture your attention. For those following along with the challenge or starting a new healthy lifestyle, it can often seem at times that certain aspects of your life are restricted. The phrases "Oh, I CAN'T have this" or "I SHOULDN'T indulge in this" are actually extremely harmful to say in the vulnerable state of making changes in your life. That to me sounds like the words one would say while on a crash diet or something similar. ERASE the "can't"s, "shouldn't"s, "no way"s from your life. Treats are OKAY every once in a while. 

Let me make it clear though. How I ration it, is that treating yourself is not a cheat day on a diet nor does it mean go binge on every type of junk food you can find in your house. In fact, most treats shouldn't even be food related. Go out and buy a new workout outfit or maybe even a new pair of running shoes. If you have accomplished your goals, you DESERVE that new pair of shoes. Or maybe you hit a weight-loss milestone... go get a new hair do or treat yourself to a relaxing spa day. Those are the treats that won't allow you to catch a glimpse at the lifestyle you left behind. 

I buy myself new hand weights, exercise DVDS, workout outfits, and more along those lines all the time when I reach goals. It keeps me motivated. I even purchased a bikini this summer as a goal to work towards, but also a reward of how far I have come. If you absolutely must have a food related treat, make it a protein bar (Clif, LaraBar, KIND, etc). Or buy a new container of whey protein powder. I'd even go as far as to say go have a small cup of frozen yogurt. You do deserve it. Just don't go overboard. 

This better be the easiest challenge you've ever completed. It is simply to reward yourself. TREAT YOURSELF because you deserve it. Changing your lifestyle to make it better and work towards becoming healthier is hard work. You deserve a treat every once in a while. If you don't treat yourself here and there, you won't succeed in the long run. I'm serious. I've seen it happen. Go do one of the suggestions I included above or leave a comment on another way you're going to treat yourself this week! Last but not least, enjoy! Come back next week rejuvenated and READY for the final step in the Mental Monday Challenge series!
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