Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday Tidbits: A Visit to the Apple Orchard & A Wedding

As soon as I witness the first leaf turning colors on a tree or possibly even before, I pestered Zach to take me to an apple orchard. He thought I asked too often, but finally he took the hint that we better go or he would NEVER hear the end of it.  So, this past Saturday, him and I went with some of his family members to a nearby orchard and I had an amazing afternoon. It was a beautiful fall day! 

As you can tell by the above picture, we had a lot to do in a short few hours. First on my agenda though was to find and purchase a big bag of apples! I chose Sweet Tangos. I have since bought light portion sized caramel dip to have as a treat with the apples, but have started every morning off with one of these delicious fruits.

Next up was a tasty lunch of a cheeseburger marinated in apple cider (go figure!), chips, and a pop for lunch. Then came time for a tractor ride out to a corn maze. 

It took us a while to find the exit for the maze as we kept getting tricked by dead ends. It's a lot harder than you'd think, actually.

I can't say enough about all the fun I had. I was in great company with people I care about a lot and finally feel like I got the full fall experience. Of course, when I spotted pumpkins at the orchard, I couldn't leave without buying one for Cash! It's his first pumpkin! 

How cute is he? Some may say that buying him a pumpkin is silly, but it sure did make a cute photo opportunity. The pumpkin even doubled as a toy to occupy his time as you can see in the following picture.

On Sunday afternoon, Zach and I headed back to my hometown to attend a wedding of a very close friend of mine from High School. I believe I can finally say that I have began the season in my life of attending weddings of those I hold closest to me. It's exciting, but also makes me long for the past few years that have flown by. I can't believe how grown up we all are.

I was overjoyed to see that my friend Gina decided to incorporate my bridal shower gift to her in her big day. The "Our Love Story" photo frame was displayed right as soon as you walked into the venue. This gift is really special to me because I made it all on my own and I'm glad she enjoyed it too! 

I refrained from taking any pictures of the happy couple during the ceremony, but it was beautiful. They each wrote their own vows to each other and their love for each other and God was clearly evident. I am extremely fortunate to have had the chance to celebrate with them on their wedding day. It didn't hurt to have such a handsome date by my side either all day.

Now, it's your turn. What was the highlight of your weekend?

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